Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Ashley Wood Sketch
Here is that sketch that Ashley Wood did for me at Comic con. its pretty rad. Hopefully Ill get some of my own sketches up here soon.

Saturday, July 26, 2008
Comic-con super amazing fiesta happy time lemonade post of 2008! part 2!!!!!!!!!!!!
im back with part 2! lets get back into it shall we?

Along the way i came across some wounded starship troopers. I tried to help them but they died in my arms. so tragic.

Along the way i came across some wounded starship troopers. I tried to help them but they died in my arms. so tragic.
Damn furries...
This is just funny. who thinks of this crap.
This guys name, is Scott Campbell. You may have heard of him, he works for doublefine, my dream company, and he also does some very nice illustration stuff too. Basically, he is a totally cool dude. I love his stuff but i didnt know he was going to be there, so seeing him was a big suprise. He told me Brutal Legend was going to be bitchin, but i already knew that. Overall he is awesome and you should look at his art and love him forever. While he and the rest of the Flight crew were signing my copy of flight volume 5, i ran into Dr. Franko! That was also a very nice suprise.
Ashley wood was selling some of his art at the show. most was running around 2000$ and up.
I was really jealous of this one asian guy who bought a really cool picture of a robot. ONE DAY
i shall buy a piece of art of his. one day...

There was a real life unicorn at comic con! i tried to take a picture of it, but its magical powers made my picture turn out all blurry. I think all mystical creatures have that power because the same thing happens when people take pictures of mothman, bigfoot and nessy. how strange.
Scifi channels booth, same as the last few years. A good place to meet people because it is very big and weird.
I don't understand why i took this picture.
Someone is crashing some castles! and its not me :'[
wb crowd shot.
He man and Castle Greyskull! or is it Grayskull? hmmmm.....
That head actually belongs to a person named Kevin Pereira. He truely sucks. truely.

Now its time i leave the show floor, and get in line for the Totally Rad Show. these are some people that walked by while i waited. Also the people behind me were like a family of super nerds. I felt bad for them because they fit the description of a nerd perfectly. really bad acne, nasily voice, glasses etc. When i was sitting down the dad farted in my face!
This is a picture of me being bored.
OK! im finally in! we are waiting something to happen...
OH MY! something is going on!

btw these photos are really bad because my camera sucked and stuff like that.

Overall it was a good show. Way better then a live diggnation, Alex is much better when hes not completely drunk. Be sure to watch it on www.revision3.com and try to see if you can find me! i am in the middle of the right side, facing the trs guys.

I took these photos while they had us act out the beginning of the show. If you have ever seen TRS you know they always start the show with the dudes acting out a scene from a tv show or movie or sometimes game. This time they had us act out a part from the Life of Brian. I cant wait to see how the show looks once its done. If they ever have more live shows i will do my best to be there!

Well thats it! im done with my Comic Con 2008 report! i hope you have enjoyed it at least 1/10 as much as i did, and ill be sure to do it again next year.
ps. i almost ate a fly today.

I was really jealous of this one asian guy who bought a really cool picture of a robot. ONE DAY
i shall buy a piece of art of his. one day...

btw these photos are really bad because my camera sucked and stuff like that.

Overall it was a good show. Way better then a live diggnation, Alex is much better when hes not completely drunk. Be sure to watch it on www.revision3.com and try to see if you can find me! i am in the middle of the right side, facing the trs guys.

Well thats it! im done with my Comic Con 2008 report! i hope you have enjoyed it at least 1/10 as much as i did, and ill be sure to do it again next year.
ps. i almost ate a fly today.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Comic-con super amazing fiesta happy time lemonade post of 2008! part 1!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am back from comic con! and once again i shall be your guide through this mess of images, and this is only part 1! how crazy is that right?

There was a huge crowd of people blocking my way and they were all taking pictures of something, i couldnt see what it was so i just raised my camera above the crowded and took a picture. this is what i found! this is certainly a geeky convention.

Ah yes this is just the first of many famous people i ran into at the con. Tommy Talarico and Victor Lucas! I used to watch them on the tv all the time.
Unfortunately i was not fast enough with my camera to take pictures of the other famous people i saw so i will provide you a picture of them and you can just pretend they are at the convention center.
This guy. I actually almost headbutted him. i was turning a corner and so was he and wasnt looking and i ALMOST smashed my head into his head. i kinda wish i did though because that would make it a much better story.
I also saw this person. Pretty crazy huh?

here i am first entering the convention center

there are a lot of sweet costumes

random crowd shot

A really huge awesome ashley wood robot.

Ben Templesmith, comic book artist and co creator of 30 days of night along side Ashley Wood
A little bit better picture of Ben Temp.

Here is another picture of Ashley Wood. That asian man in the back was sitting there for a long time, he seemed to know ashley some how. I wonder if he is his sensei? Btw Ashley wood is seriously a great guy. He drew me a sweet looking zombie dude on my sketch book that ill upload later, and he gave me one of his art books for free! how sweet is that?! Answer, very sweet.

G4, how lame.
Upon closer inspection of the g4 set, there is a surprising lack of homos named kevin pereira

here is something that isnt lame. this is a really huge drill thing that actually had moving drill parts! how bitchin is that!

Now i am happy

Lego Indiana

Pikachu crowd shot!

Ah yes this is just the first of many famous people i ran into at the con. Tommy Talarico and Victor Lucas! I used to watch them on the tv all the time.
Unfortunately i was not fast enough with my camera to take pictures of the other famous people i saw so i will provide you a picture of them and you can just pretend they are at the convention center.

stay tuned for PART TWO
stay tuned for PART TWO
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